All posts by momo

Kayiki Press Release: End death at border now! Respect human life and death!

KAYIKI Press Release


End death at border now! Respect human life and death!

We, the inhabitants of both sides of Aegean Sea, express our anger and our shock about the thousands of deaths of refugees and migrants in their effort to cross Europe. They are a direct result of the Europe Fortress policy: The sealing of the borders and the lack of any other way for these people to seek protection.

Dozens of tragic shipwrecks have taken place on both sides of the Aegean Sea since August 2012 after the completion of the border fence in Evros, the land borders between Greece and Turkey: In Farmakonisi, in Lesvos and in Samos, near and some along the border river Evros.

Small children, women and men; refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Eritrea died in the Aegean Sea and in Evros trying to escape war, poverty and political persecution in their effort to cross the European borders. Their dead bodies were either found near the coastlines either they disappeared in the Aegean. Many of them were never identified, buried in unmarked graves in remote cemeteries and not according to their cultural and religious traditions. Family members who survived are weeping silently for the loss of their beloved. Others are still trying desperately to locate their missing ones. Continue reading Kayiki Press Release: End death at border now! Respect human life and death!

Call for solidarity: PIKPA (german)

PIKPA – das vom „Dorf der alle zusammen“ selbstorganisierte Welcome Center für Flüchtlinge in Mitilini /Lesvos Griechenland, wird im Dezember 1 Jahr alt!

Als im Winter 2012 Flüchtlinge rund um den Hafen von Mitilini im Regen auf der Strasse schliefen, weil weder die Polizei noch die Küstenwache bereit war, sie vor der Weiterreise zu registrieren, wurde ein leerstehendes Kinderferienlager von Freiwilligen umfunktioniert und mit Einverständnis des Bürgermeisters genutzt, um neu ankommenden Flüchtlingen ein Dach über dem Kopf und Essen geben zu können. Seitdem sind in Pikpa immer wieder Flüchtlinge untergekommen, getragen allein auf Spendenbasis und durch die Bereitschaft der örtlichen Bevölkerung, die Leute nicht allein zu lassen. Continue reading Call for solidarity: PIKPA (german)

Call for solidarity: The story of Pashtu

Download here: The story of Pashtu

Pashtu and her four children arrived this summer in Lesvos, Greece. Even though the finally succeeded in reaching Europe they had to encounter a great loss: their daddy! He is one of many refugees who have been arrested and charged for alleged human smuggling while their only fault has been to escape war and death while lacking any legal ways to save their lives but also lacking sufficient financial means to take the unofficial and dangerous paths.

The family nowadays lives in PIKPA and awaits the trial of the father. They need all available support.

This booklet was created in solidarity and together with the family and with the aim to collect money for the lawyer of the father.

Please help with your donations.
